Fetches and summarizes themes (groups) alongside the number of datasets in each theme from the Tunisian data catalog API (data.gov.tn).
A tibble (data frame) with two columns:
- theme
Character. Name of the theme/group.
- dataset_count
Numeric. Number of datasets in the theme.
themes_summary <- get_themes()
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#> theme dataset_count
#> <chr> <int>
#> 1 Agriculture, Ressources Hydrauliques et Pêche Maritime 1026
#> 2 Affaires Locales 618
#> 3 Culture 304
#> 4 Industrie, Mines et Energie 274
#> 5 Transport 136
#> 6 Santé et Affaires Sociales 69